Into the Ice House: Cenozoic Cooling


The ambiguity of the term "ice age" becomes clear as soon as we try to answer the question: "Are we in an ice age now?" If we look at the whole of Earth history, we realize that we live in an unusual time, because there are large ice sheets in the northern and southern polar areas. It is not clear what controls the existence of a glaciated ('ice house') or non-glaciated ('greenhouse') state of the Earth, but continental positions almost certainly play a role: ice sheets can not exist in deep oceans, so ice caps can form only when there are continents in polar position (Antarctica) or marginal seas surrounded by continents (Arctic Ocean). But glaciation did not always occur when continents were at the poles. Recently, a considerable amount of evidence has implicated variations in the concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere.

There are many sources of information on these Cenozoic climate fluctuations, and we will discuss only a few: the record of land plants, and that of oxygen isotopes in marine limestones.

Land plant assemblages are very strongly linked to precipitation and temperature: if we know what flora occurs, we can say what the climate must have been. Interestingly, there is presently a very strong correlation between the outline of leaves and the mean annual temperature: at higher temperatures, a higher percentage of the flora has entire-margined leaves (i.e., smooth outlines, like a laurel), and a lower percentage has jagged margins (e.g., oak). Leaf margin data are time intense to collect, because many leaves have to be assessed in order to obtain statistically valid data. The data on leaf margins (especially from the US Western Interior region) clearly show a strong drop in mean annual temperature in the earliest Oligocene (about 33.5 Ma). At the same time, the floras indicate increased aridity in the American continent.

During the last 25 years, we have gained much information on the fluctuations in the size of the polar ice caps and in sea surface temperature by the study of oxygen isotopes. Remember that the oxygen isotopic composition of the shells depends upon the isotopic composition of the sea water in which they grew, as well as on the temperature at which they formed: in colder water, the shells are isotopically heavier (have relatively more 18O) than in warmer water with the same isotopic composition. During ice ages, it was colder and the ice caps were larger: both effects cooperated to make the shells enriched in 18O. Therefore, we do not know which part of the "getting isotopically heavier" resulted from changes in ice volume, which part resulted from changes in temperature. We can try to find this out by comparing oxygen isotope data for benthic and planktonic foraminifera: the effects of ice volume are valid for the whole ocean, and if changes in ice volume occur we must see a change in isotopic composition of both benthic and planktonic foraminifera.

Over the whole Cenozoic, deeper ocean waters (which sink at the poles and thus tell us what temperature the waters were at the poles) have decreased in temperature: from about 10 to 15o C in the early Cenozoic to close to freezing now. The difference in temperatures between the equator and the poles has thus increased very much from the early Cenozoic to the present day. In addition, the difference in temperature between the deep waters at the equator and the surface waters at the equator has increased just as much.

We now explain the oxygen isotope record by the theory that a large Antarctic continental ice-sheet on East Antarctica (reaching down to sea level from the mountains) formed rapidly (in less than 100,000 years) in the earliest Oligocene (about 33.5 million years ago); it expanded considerably in the middle Miocene (14.6 Ma), possibly by formation of the West Antarctic ice sheet, also over about 100,000 years. A small northern hemisphere ice sheet may have started to develop about 6 million years ago, but a major increase in ice volume occurred only about 3.0 to 2.5 million years ago. Since that time, large ice sheets waxed and waned cyclically (Thursday's lecture).


How did we reach this ice house world?

The causes of the Cenozoic 'descent into the cold' are thus not clear, but we do know that it happened, when it happened, and that it happened not gradually, but stepped, but development of the eastern Antarctic ice sheet (33.5 Ma), the western Antarctic ice sheet (14 Ma) and the northern hemisphere ice sheet (2.5 Ma) at different times.