On-Line Senior Concentration Form Process -- PROPOSED NEW PAGE IN EP:

Major Completion Status Page

Description of page:
--This is a chart that could appear in the AA and Chair EPortfolios giving them an instant reading of the status of the Senior Concentration Form for each of the department majors  (including a status of their ability to complete that major "on-schedule," that is, by the end of the semester).
--Each department would see only the rows containing majors in their department. Registrar EPs would show all rows for all students and all departments.
--The chart starts out looking a little like the Advisee page. Each row contains a student's Name, Wesid, and one major per row. This would already be completely filled in at the start, as soon as the chart appears in the EP. The Status and Comments fields would start out blank.

User Action:

--The student's name in each row is a hotlink to the Senior Concentration form for the major in that particular row. The chair clicks on the hotlink and finds him/herself at the form. The chair then enters and submits a final status and comment for the student for a particular major. These Status and Comment Rows would fill up as the comments and status reports came in.
--Pat Noyes will use it as part of the Senior Review Process with the Senior Class Dean. We will need to re-confirm that it contains the information necessary for that Senior Review process in a format that is useful to Pat and the Dean.

Capabilities that this page needs to include:
--As mentioned, a link to the Senior Concentration forms - one per row.
--Page would need to be printable and also downloadable into Excel
--It would be helpful if clicking on the headings "Name," "Acad Plan," and "Status" could sort the columns.


ID Name Acad Plan Status: Comments
666666 Smith,Joseph Kyle BIOL Completed Complete
666666 Smith,Joseph Kyle NS&B Able to complete in this semester Must pass this semester: NS&B221
666666 Smith,Joseph Kyle PSYC Unable to complete Still needs to take:PSYC101, PSYC102
611022 Smithson,Harding Fillmore BIOL Other Here is an other-type